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In addition to facilitating preparation of specific funding proposals, FRDO supports PIs to develop long-term research strategies, enables collaboration and team building, and facilitates complex, interdisciplinary projects. Direct any questions you may have about these opportunities to or request support below.

Request Research Support

Early Career Investigator Support


The OVPR is committed to helping early career investigators at UNM succeed in their research related efforts. In support of this initiative, the Faculty Research Development Office has developed a portion of this website specifically geared to answering questions and providing opportunities for Early Career Investigators, as well as highlighting the success of these research scholars.

If you are an early investigator at UNM and would like to receive special emails related to workshops, resources, and funding opportunities specifically developed for early investigators, please sign up for the Early_PI Listserv.

Facilitation & Team Building


Are you looking for collaborators, but don't know people in the relevant fields? FRDO can help introduce you to other researchers whose work dovetails with yours. We can also facilitate sessions that support ideation, team building, collaboration planning, or similar. This is especially helpful for early-career or established researchers who are looking to develop new collaborations and learn to collaborate more effectively.

Strategic Planning


FRDO supports long-term research strategic planning and can work one-on-one with PIs or with research teams to discuss funding maps and how to scaffold your research, scholarship, and creative activities to effectively build on one another. This is especially helpful for early-career faculty and newly forming research teams, including UNM Grand Challenges Level 1 concept teams.