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Early career investigator is a term used by a number of federal and non-federal sponsors to define individual applicants who meet one or more of these qualifications depending on the requirements of the sponsor:

  • Pre-tenured academic faculty
  • Academic or non-tenure track research faculty within their first 5-10 years postdoctoral career

In order to support the burgeoning careers of early investigators, a number of sponsors make special awards available just to this group of individual applicants.

The Faculty Research Development Office provides direct support to early career investigators interested in submitting proposals to these types of solicitations. In addition to the proposal support we provide to all UNM main campus faculty and staff, we also offer information relevant to strategies for success as an early career investigator, relevant funding opportunities from both federal and non-federal sponsors, early career investigator specific workshops and other resources, and a news archive highlighting the success of early career investigators on campus.

  • Prof. Manjavacas Receives Prestigious NSF CAREER Award Artistic view of the angular momentum transfer along a chain of rotating nanoparticles mediated by the fluctuations of the electromagnetic field. Credit: Manjavacas Lab 2020 Professor Alejandro Manjavacas has been awarded a five-year NSF...
  • Dr. Victor Acosta Awarded NSF CAREER Award With support from the Chemical Measurement and Imaging Program in the Division of Chemistry, and co-funding from the Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) and the Division of Chemical, Bioengineering, Environmental, and Trans...
  • Professor Jin Zhang Awarded Prestigious NSF CAREER Grant Jin Zhang, an assistant professor in The University of New Mexico's Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, was recently awarded a $600,000 National Science Foundation CAREER grant to pursue new research on the elastic anisotropy o...
  • UNM ECE Assistant Professor Eirini Eleni Tsiropoulou Awarded NSF CRII Grant The economic and societal potential of emerging 5G and cyber-physical social systems is vastly greater than what has been realized so far, and major investments are being made worldwide to develop the corresponding science and technology. Though sign...
  • NSF Taps UNM SOE Faculty for CAREER Award Mehran Tehrani, an assistant professor of mechanical engineering at The University of New Mexico, has been awarded a National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER Award to develop new materials that are ductile yet strong.  Such material has p...