Esther Katz Rosen Fund Grants
- Be affiliated with a school or education institution.
- Hold a doctoral degree from, or be a graduate student at, an accredited university for research proposals.
- Graduate students and early career psychologists (10 years or less postdoctoral) are encouraged to apply.
Funding Priorities
The Esther Katz Rosen Fund* was established in 1974 by a generous bequest intended to support “…activities related to the advancement and application of knowledge about gifted children.”
Rosen Fund grants:
- Enable and enhance development of identified gifted and talented children and adolescents.
- Encourage promising psychologists to continue innovative research and programs in this area.
Support will be provided for activities on the advancement and application of knowledge related to identified gifted and talented children and adolescents, such as:
- Research.
- Pilot projects.
- Research-based programs.
Additional Information
- APF also supports pilot projects that, if successful, would be strong candidates for support from major federal and foundation funding agencies, and “demonstration projects” that promise to generalize broadly to other geographical areas and/or to other settings.
- Teaching time releases are not supported from the Rosen Fund.
- Grant amounts range from $1,000 to $50,000.
03/02/2022 - 12:00am
Budget Amount:
12 months